One-stop Destination

Carpediem Cars is one of the fastest growing multi-brand marketplaces for finding the best deals on new and used cars, car insurance and car finance.

Complete After Sales Service Support

Carpediem Cars believes in providing end-to-end support and offers great after sales services with doorstep pickup/delivery of documents and cars.

Award-winning Operations

Carpediem Cars has been awarded multiple times by leading financial institutions, banks and insurers for its services.

Experienced Management

Carpediem Cars management has rich domain expertise in car insurance, finance and sales of new and used cars.

Best Car Deals

We have fulfilling associations with car dealerships, insurance providers and banks that help us get the best deals for customers.

Unbiased Opinions

We conduct extensive research free from any biases or specific brands in focus that helps you in making an informed decision while purchasing a car.

Dedicated Relationship Managers

We provide one point of contact for all our customers whom they can call anytime for to get answers to any question or get any service.

Registered Distributor & Financer

We are registered DSA of leading banks and certified distributors of major general insurance companies in India.